Healing from within: The Water Recycling System for Future Urban Survivals

Hyundai – RISD Collaborative Research - Final Project Descriptions

May. 27, 2021


Led by Professors: Soojung Ham (ID) and Ryan McCaffrey (ARCH)


Presented by: Xinyi Liu

I - The Key Issue to be solved in the Future Urban System:

The future urban systems are likely to suffer from an inevitable increasing population, which can lead to the difficulty for everyone to sustain an essential amount of clean water for daily drinking and usage.


II - The Design Proposal:

This solution is a greenfield proposal about designing an efficient water recycling system on the community scale.


The system will help residents to reduce the usage of water directly from nature.


Since my first part of the research is about water potential differentials in the dicot transpiration, the second part also resonates with “differentials”, but is oriented around social and political agendas.


III – Two Main Parts Included in This Proposal and Their Influences:

PART-01: Greywater recycling stations that collect water from agriculture/rainwater/roads (PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT)


PART-02: Greywater recycling systems for residential use (basins, shower, toilet, etc.) (PRIVATE ENGAGEMENT)


IV – Conclusions:

This design is based on gray water reuse realized by implanted mechanical and biological systems in public and private areas.


The purpose of this project has two considerations: the first is for substantiality; the second is about fostering the social awareness of the future environmental challenges.


Part - I

Recycling Systems in the Public

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Part - II

Individual Water Recycling System


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